Incoming Update ( Xengine 0.1.0 )

Hey everyone!

I know that, for now, Xengine is really small ( 2KB!!!! ) and incomplete. I do have a precise idea of how I want it to look like later, and god damn, I have so much work before reaching the ideal  ! But here are a few features that will be added on the incoming update. Keep in mind that adding new features is kind of a challenge because the idea behind Xengine is to make a Game Engine that completely blends with pygame. I mean you still have to use pygame with it. Its not mandatory is absolutely use Xengine classes and methods. So each function has to be kind of independent, but useful combined with others.

So here is a list of basically everything that will be added with the incoming update:

--> Rotation and scale attributes on GameObject class

--> AnimationSet class improvements:

            --> Animated Attributes

--> Camera class to make scrolling much easier

I am currently working (hard) on easy multiplayer, adding a sprite origin (for location only), and maybe some YouTube tutorials in the future...

I am working really hard on Xengine so please check it out, and I am sure it can be very useful for indie game development.

Files 2.7 kB
Dec 01, 2020
Xengine v 0.0.1 Documentation.pdf 95 kB
Dec 01, 2020

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